Saturday, August 18, 2012

Third Album- Portraits

Having named the blogspot as "Portraits and Pictures" I found it absolutely necessary to dedicate a separate post for portraits. So, presenting my first album of portraits. 

This picture of my roommate Adithya was one of the first portraits I took.
[ISO:200; f/5.6]

How many ever friends you get in college, they can never be matched by the ones from school. From left to right: Sembiyan, Mukund and Hari.
[ISO:640; f/4.5]

The person who I like capturing the most. DAD.
[ISO: 160; f/8.0]

This one of my friend Andrew Jones is probably my best.
[ISO:400; f/3.8]

My niece "Lost in Thought" even at her young age.
[ISO:560; f/4.5]

My mom was awestruck by the beauty of the Cholan architecture of the Tanjore "Big Temple"
[ISO:250; f/5.6]

My eldest sister looking and searching for her husband in a crowd.
[ISO: 200; f/8.0]

My sister wanted a new display picture on Facebook.
[ISO: 2200; f/5.0]

This "idiot" wanted to test the clarity of my cam at night.
[ISO:100; f/5.3]

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